NOTE: This is the IPGF TEST Portal. For the production IPGF Portal, please visit

IPGF Portal (Impactanalyse Pesticiden Groenten & Fruit)

IPGF (Impactanalyse Pesticiden Groenten & Fruit) is a Dutch acronym that translates to impact analysis for pesticides in vegetables and fruits. This portal contains functionality to assess the human health risks of the intake of pesticide residues via consumption of the vegetables and fruits monitored by Stichting Food Compass. It is developed in the project Kennis- en modelkoppelingen voor borging voedselveiligheid in de groenten- en fruit sector (TU18039). This is public-private TKI T&U partnership project between Biometris, Wageningen UR and Stichting Food Compass.

How does it work?

Stichting Food Compass is a foundation that monitors the occurrence of pesticide residues on the food products of its participants. Product samples are taken in annual sampling programs and analysed on whether the residue levels comply with the European food safety regulation. In the current system, this involves asserting that residue levels do not exceed the maximum residue limit (MRL) and that the food safety thresholds based on the acute reference dose (ARfD) are not exceeded. However, the current methods regard occurrence of single substances on single food products. EC Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 states that plant protection products should not have harmful health effects, also taking into account possible cumulative effects. This portal aims to provide the functionality to asses this risk of combined (cumulative) exposure to multiple chemicals by consumption of multiple food products using the advanced methods implemented in the Monte Carlo Risk Assessment (MCRA) software.